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Everyone has a story.  And each story is important.

Here's a portion of Julie's:
(An excerp from Julie's journal during the final audition process for "The Biggest Loser" reveals 'her story' and proves that everyone has a story to tell; each story reaches others in some way; and every story is important.)

This whole experience [the journey to being a cast member on the reality show "The Biggest Loser"] for me has been a little surreal and certainly very exciting.  I have been pretty calm and tried to soak it all in thus far.  But I'll have to admit that when we met with Production this morning and were told we'd be "sharing our story" on camera - - I freaked out a little. 

I thought…oh my gosh…I don't have a traumatic experience or a death or a tragedy to share.  How will I ever compete with those that do?  But then I thought…you know, MY STORY is significant.  And it is significant because I share the same story as millions of American women.  As a mother - - often the last person to get any attention is me.  Millions of women are in the same boat.  After taking care of a family…a husband…a child…carpooling…soccer practice…I am often last on my list of priorities.  And that's why this opportunity is so tremendous.  I am so blessed to be able to walk away from my life for (hopefully) 18 weeks and concentrate on myself.  But it will definitely be a sacrifice.  I hope that sacrifice is evidence of the commitment I have made to claiming my life back. 

When I was younger and I dieted - - it was generally for vanity's sake.  But I am at a totally different place in my life now.  Of course, looking better would be a wonderful side effect of this experience.  But I am ready to feel better.  And live a healthier life.  I have a little set of 6 year old eyes that watch everything that I do.  I can NOT continue to set the example for  him that I have so far.  He is already very conscious of people's weight because it affects every aspect of my life.  I talk about it all the time.  Food consumes me.  I can't socialize without it revolving around food.  I am tired of being a slave to this addiction and I am tired of feeling the prejudices that all fat people face.

I am ready to change my life.  And I want to show the women of America…the MOTHERS of America that it is NOT selfish to take care of yourself and establish good and healthy eating habits.  It's really the MOST LOVING thing you can do for your family.  I married the love of my life…and I want to grow old with him and enjoy life together.  And I also want to have another baby.  And my doctor has told me point blank that becoming pregnant is increasingly more difficult being overweight.  I can not…I WILL not let my weight and bad habits continue to rob me and my family of one more thing.

So I will not make any apologies for not having a more glamorous or dramatic story.  Because I feel like I am hear to "represent" for women and mothers.  And I can not tell you how THRILLED I am to have this opportunity.  So that's it…that's my story.